Updated Poses for The New Pose Player

There's no more need to type the pose's name to play with it.Now we only need to select and play :D
So I've updated all my poses ;)

The new menu will look like this (this preview picture is from a new pose pack I'm making *-*)

Now you will find the poses at "Select pose from list" menu ;)

Click on the pictures below to get the updated files

         Pose Set 4                     Pose Set 3                   Pose Set 2                     Pose Set 1

Be sure you have the newest Pose Player!Get it HERE!


  1. This is amazing! Thanks TumTum!!!

  2. OMG I am so happy. No more typing! To we have to re-download Pose Player as well?

  3. No if you have the newest version
    But yes if you have an outdated version

    The Newest version is from 05/25/2011

  4. awwwwwwwwww I will see which version do I have! Thanks for this post! ^^

  5. I see a preview of the next pose set! Hehehe

    Thanks for updating =)

  6. YES! Thank you so much! Also I'm dying for those new poses you're making, they look great!

  7. wow! thank you so much.. this will be so much easier than typing in all the poses :)

  8. Yay! Now to trash the sheet with all your poses written down on it lol. This'll take the guess-work out of trying to pose my Sims.

    And those new poses look great! I can't wait to download them!

  9. TumTum, as poses que eu já tenho, terei que continuar digitando, caso os criadores não atualizem seus arquivos? A versão atual do pose player funciona com as poses antigas? Não ficou claro pra mim, meu inglês é muito fraco...


  10. If you need me to bare your children, do not ever hesitate to ask! Thank you!

  11. Thank you all guys :B

    ~Lana...Vai ter sim...A versão atual do pose player funciona com tudo, as antigas e as novas.A diferença é que as minhas vc nem vai precisar digitar mais *-*

    ~Jelly-Nick...I want at least 8 babies O_o If this is ok for you XD

  12. Nossa senhora, 8? Tudo isso?
    Haha como diz meu pai isso é chave de cadeia... Haja bolsa familia :P

    Tumtum, otimo como sempre, as suas poses estao entre as que eu mais uso! Obrigada ;)

  13. How can I download the update ?

  14. Obrigada Tum Tum, acho que vou agora finalmente usar poses.


  15. Thanks guys ^-^

    Camille...Adoro crianças *-*

    Anaïs...When you click on the pictures you will be directed to the download page ;)

  16. Which one is the update one in poseplayer?

  17. ALL my poses are updated for the new pose player.

    But you need to get the newest version of PosePlayer!


  18. That's brilliant! Thanks for the update, Tum Tum.

  19. Amazing! Thank you!

  20. Muito obrigada TumTum! Testei aqui e está funcionado, é bem mais fácil, o duro vai ser achar todas as poses que tenho de novo, e saber se estão atualizadas, hehehe! Por enquanto vou digitando o resto!


  21. Lana...Posso estar enganado, mas acho q nenhum outro criador atualizou suas poses ainda :/

  22. Thanks for the poses and the heads up on the updated player.

  23. Didnt work for me.. i have the pose player ingame.. but doent work.. i made a click over.. and nothing...

  24. Do you have the UPDATED Pose Player?

  25. Amei amei amei mesmo, *-*
    Não sabia dessa nova versão do Pose Player, vou testar.

  26. So should I get rid of any other poses that are not updated?

  27. No...Only if you want.The new PosePlayer still reading the old ones, but also you need still typing them :/

  28. TUM TUM! My player keeps making my game freeze and then I have to close the game :/ Why is this? Help? xx

  29. I downloaded latest player but the date is 20/05/2011. Still working. New player looks great and so does your poses. Thank you.

  30. Vienns'sSims...I have no idea.You can try get help at PosePlayer's post ;)

  31. Oh TumTum... I would LOVE YOU FOREVER if you did a tutorial on how to update poses for the new pose player. One with more details and actual pictures...

    I really want to update my poses, but for some reason I can't follow the tutorial that cmomoney provided with the creators_poselistkit.zip...

  32. Evie I need to confess that I tried like 20x for them work...

    Probably you are doing the xml file wrong (as me)
    You can use mine for a template ;)


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